Charge Assist update: Live Charging Activity and more

This month, the Charge Assist team is proud to announce the addition of some clever functionality, which makes it much easier for drivers to monitor the charging process while executing other daily phone activities. And there is more, so let’s dive right in.

Live Charging Activity: Information at your disposal

Suppose you have started the charging session with your RFID card or without authorization through AutoCharge. It can then be useful to receive a brief confirmation of the charging session you started, to keep track of its progress without reopening the charging app. For that issue, we have come up with something smart. At least, we think so. Introducing to you the functionality: ‘Live Charging Activity’.

Live Charging Activity uses Charge Assist in the background to give you real-time updates during active charging sessions. This works in two ways.

iPhone 14 Pro and newer

For devices equipped with iPhone’s Dynamic Island and running iOS 17 or later, live charging information is displayed prominently at the top of the screen, ensuring users have real-time updates at a glance.

You can long-press the notification to expand the activity for more detailed information or tap to be redirected to the app’s active charging session interface. There, you can manage the session or stop it, if desired.

Earlier iPhone models

On iPhone models without Dynamic Island, live charging updates appear as interactive notifications. These notifications allow you to view charging details and access the active charging session within the app for further management.

This feature enhances user convenience by providing seamless access to critical charging information and controls, tailored to the capabilities of their specific iOS device. By integrating with both Dynamic Island and standard notification systems, Charge Assist ensures a consistent and efficient user experience across all supported iPhone models.

IOS only: Currently, Live Charging Activity only works on iOS models as there is no Android equivalent to Dynamic Island yet. Once Android implements something similar, we will offer the same functionality for Android users.

‘This widget might seem simple, but it removes an important step from the charging process. That is, opening the app without sacrificing information provision. I’m extremely proud of the team for their exceptional work in achieving this at such short notice!’

Ivan Morardo, Product Manager, GreenFlux

Direct access to your nearest charging location information

Even though you are at a location, we see that it is sometimes difficult to find the nearest charging location on the app. We have solved this by automatically displaying the nearest charging location upon launch, which prevents a lot of pinching and swiping. This also gives drivers direct access to valuable information, such as charging speed and price.

Detailed summary for each charging session

A simple but important feature. As we did for the app's session history, we added a Charging Summary to each session. The Charging Summary provides details specifically for your completed sessions (excluding ongoing sessions).

The Charging Session Summary Details include:

  • Total Time: The duration of the charging session, indicating how long the vehicle was connected to the charger.
  • Total Cost: The complete expense incurred during the session, providing a clear view of charging costs.
  • Total Energy (kWh): The amount of energy delivered to the vehicle, measured in kilowatt-hours.
  • CO₂ Savings: An estimate of the carbon dioxide emissions avoided by using electric charging instead of traditional fuels.

Stay updated by checking our blog section as we continue improving the Charge Assist app.

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