GreenFlux Smart Charging controller wins sMove360° Award

Greenflux's smart charging controller

The winners of the 2016 sMove360° Award are announced at the international eCarTec expo in Munich. In the category ‘ICT Infrastructure & Security’ the first prize is for Dutch charge point operator and service provider GreenFlux. Their Smart Charging Controller, which can transform every charge station for electric vehicles into an intelligently connected device, convinced the expert jury and was announced the winner during a ceremony at the German trade show.

GreenFlux developed their Smart Charging Controller to offer charge point manufacturers and operators worldwide a scalable and future-proof working solution. The controller is designed to support the smart charging of electric vehicles. Smart Charging distributes the total available power over charging stations in a smart way. This means electric vehicles can charge at a higher speed and ‘capacity overload’ with full occupancy is prevented. This results in a safe solution and no extra installation fees or electricity charges based on higher peak use.

GreenFlux is a pioneer in smart charging and has extensive experience in this field in several European countries such as the Netherlands and the UK. The solutions GreenFlux offers are based on extensive experience and pilots with Dutch grid operators and companies. They address current issues for organisations that want to offer EV charging as a service. The need for smart charging will only grow, both nationally and internationally, when the demand for energy on the network will increase because of the market growth of electric vehicles. GreenFlux’s controller is ready for that and moreover transforms unconnected charge stations for electric vehicles into smart stations, offering the Charge point operators more services for their customers like remote services and billing services.

The GreenFlux Smart Charging Controller is part of GreenFlux’s vision of a sustainable world, powered by the sun. The controller enables a way to charge cars with 100% renewable energy. Making cars charge faster when there is more green energy available.

Download the whitepaper: EV Smart Charging: Optmising with Renewable Energy