GreenFlux among top companies driving energy transition

Global Power & Energy Elites 2022 features GreenFlux's smart energy management solution at Transferium

GreenFlux, a leading provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging management software, is recognised among top companies driving the ongoing energy transition.

Global Power & Energy Elites 2022 features GreenFlux’s smart energy management solution at the park-and-ride Transferium Deuterstraat, in the city of ’s-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands, as one of the most innovative projects. The 2022 edition by the Global Elites brand highlights a broad spectrum of the energy ecosystem across the world based on nominations from the industry.

GreenFlux’s solution is part of the Dutch use case of the EU CONNECT project on new power conversion technologies for connecting buildings to the grid, founded on the desire to create a complete energy management system. GreenFlux’s cloud-based smart energy management platform acts as the ‘brain’ behind the ecosystem at Transferium and ensures a balance between energy generation and demand. The solution is a key element in transforming the newly-built facility into what is potentially the greenest parking garage in the world. The deployment also provides a model for the growing number of such facilities in other cities in the Netherlands and around the world. Read more about the project's feature.

Download case study: Connecting (energy) dots at Transferium in the Netherlands

The Global Elites brand recognises leaders, innovators, and implementers across the world for creating a better, cleaner, and more efficient world. The Global Power & Energy Elites is an annual publication featuring inspirational, influential leaders and innovative projects.

Here is how we connected renewables, storage, and smart energy management!